Sensory Spider

Sensory Spider

The lycra/spandex “Stitch Sensor Spider’ is a movement, proprioceptive, tactile, and deep pressure experience like no other.

‘Sensory Spider’ can help children with sensory processing disorders to work on “position in space” skills.

They must kinaesthetically feel what their bodies are doing and how they are coordinating their body movements.

Watching themselves in a mirror, or creating shadows, will help them develop this proprioceptive sense, which is often dysfunctional in children with sensory integration dysfunction / sensory processing disorders.

The therapeutic activity the “Sensory Spider” provides is heavy work/deep pressure input that is both calming and organizing.

Through all of these movement activities in the lycra “stitch sensory spider”, they will have comfortable, resistive material to push against and have pushing against them.

This will benefit both children (or adults) with tactile defensiveness as well as the sensory seeking kids

This multi-functional spider can also be used to give you a hug, perfect for those that like a good squeeze to stay calm.


Multicoloured only £40

Delivery Cost


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